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Pulmonary Function

As you know, breathing is an essential part of life. Without waste removal and oxygen intake, we would not survive. At rest our bodies produce waste products like carbon dioxide that must be removed, and oxygen must be delivered in order to accept the hydrogen molecules after energy production. During exercise these processes increase greatly. Waste removal and oxygen delivery are key to an athletes’ performance. Too much or too little of one can greatly decrease performance.

During exercise oxygen demand elevates. As metabolic activity increases, various variables can decrease oxygen delivery and uptake. There are three main variables that effect oxygen delivery and uptake, (1) oxygen content of the blood, (2) amount of blood flow to the working muscle, and (3) local metabolic conditions. During exercise our body has to (Click here to become a member and gain full access to the over 400 manuscript text pages of resource information in this website and many other wonderful benefits)


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