Aerodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, and Friction
Biomechanics of Sport Injury
Ergonomics, Technique, and Sports Equipment |
Sports biomechanics is the study of forces and stresses of athletic activity and their affects on athletic performance and safety. Biomechanist analyze areas such as sports injuries, sports equipment, and sports techniques. The science can be broken up into two main areas: kinetics and kinematics.
Kinematics is the study of motion and Kinetics is the study of forces. The science of sports biomechanics helps improve performance, reduce the chance of injury through employment of proper technique and equipment design, and enhance rehabilitation and surgical capabilities by improving techniques, equipment, and training.
Sports biomechanics is a cutting edge science that is becoming increasingly popular. The future of this science and its contributions to athletics is presently and will in the future change athletics as we know it today. Athletes are stronger and more powerful that ever before. Sports biomechanics is responsible for a majority of these advancements in the modern day athlete.
