Sports Medicine
No mater how cautious athletes are, how safe they think they may be, and how much you think it won't happen to you, in athletics it is only a matter of time before an athlete will get injured or become sick.
In order to compete in athletics, some where some how you must battle a force or stress. Forces come in all shapes and sizes. You may battle heat, wind, collisions, and more. When your body can no longer take the stress of that force, muscles pull/strain/tear, ligaments sprain, bones fracture, and or you become ill.
If an athlete is injured or sick he or she may not be able to compete. If the injury or illness is severe enough then it may degrade his/her performance for the rest of his/her athletic career. It will make it tougher for the athlete to be successful if he/she is injured or suffers from an illness.
However, with good sound technique, nutrition, conditioning, etc.; most injuries and illnesses can be prevented and some can even be eliminated. For those injuries and illnesses that do happen, an athletes only hope is recovery and rehabilitation.
This sports medicine section is a valuable resource of information pertaining to injury and illnesses. In addition, a membership will provide you with up to date information on ways to make sports safer by injury and illness prevention.
Below are areas available to members:
Injury Mechanisms and Types of Injuries
- Introduction
- Bone Injuries
- Muscle and Tendon Injuries
- Joint and Ligament Injuries
- Articular Injuries
- Nerves Injuries
- Brain Injuries and Compartment Syndrome
- Thermal Injuries
- Vessel Injuries
- Skin Injuries
- Eye Injuries
- Psychological Injuries
- Introduction
- Cold Modalities (Cryotherapy)
- Heat Modalities
- Ultrasound
- Electrical Stimulation
- Aqua Therapy
- Exercise Equipment
- Magnetic Therapy
- Massage Therapy
- Chiropractics
- Wound Care
- Drug Therapy
- Nutritional Therapy
- Orthotics and Braces
Sports Related Illnesses, Diseases, and Disorders
- Introduction
- Respiratory Conditions
- Cardiovascular Conditions
- Female Conditions
- Body Image Disorders and Eating Disorders
- Fungal and Bacteria Infections
- Spreading Illnesses Across the Team
- The Importance of Good Hygiene
The Healing Process
- Introduction
- Inflammatory Response Phase
- Fibroblastic Repair Phase
- Maturation Remodeling Phase
- Factors That Slow Down Healing
The Injury Assessment Process
- Introduction
- Athletic Trainer
- Athletic Trainers Role in the Injury Process
- Physicians
- A Physicians Examination
- Questions You Should Ask Your Doctor
- Surgery
- Malingering
The Importance of Physicals
The Injury Process
- Introduction
- Inflammation
- Hemorrhage
- Edema
- Muscle Spasm
- Disuse Muscle Atrophy
The Rehabilitation Program
- What is the problem?
- Direction of Attention
- Areas of Influence
- Tissue Repair
- Rehab Begins The Moment After Injury
- Variables to Consider in the Formulation of a Rehabilitation Program?
- Variables That Must Be Evaluated Before An Athlete Can Be Returned to Play
Medical Team
- Pre-participation Exams (Physicals)
- Athletic Trainer
- Athletic Trainer's Role in the Injury Process
- Team Physician
- Doctors
- A Doctor's Examination
- Questions You Should Ask Your Doctor
- Surgery
- Physical Therapists Vs. Sports Therapists
- Parent's/Spouse's Role with the Medical Team
- Precautions
- Injuries on the Field
- Injury Management at Home
- The Athlete's Role with the Medical Team