The stresses of athletic competition can be unimaginable. Football players can collide and the forces calculated can reach that of a car collision. Amazingly the body can absorb and distribute thousands of pounds of force. However, small amounts of force applied in the right manner can damage tissues. If forces reach certain thresholds within tissues, then injury will result. There are various mechanisms that account for injury in sport. Many tissues can be affected from the various mechanisms. The type of injury, degree of injury, and the tissues affected will be a direct result of the injury mechanism. For instance bone can sustain a variety of fractures. A fracture will result from a force applied to the bone. Depending on the amount of force, the bone may simply fracture and not affect or disrupt tissues around the fracture. However, if enough force is applied, the bone could fracture and puncture or lacerate tendons, nerves, muscles, ligaments, cartilage, blood vessels, and other tissues. All Rights Reserved. © Copyright. |