What is the problem?

The sports medicine professional must define the primary problem and determine all of the secondary issues. Speed of recovery is based upon beginning with the correct diagnosis of the primary problem. The rehabilitation process then involves repairing the primary problem and correcting the associated secondary problems. For instance, an athlete may present with an ankle sprain (primary injury) and strained peroneal muscles (secondary injury usually associated with ankle sprains). Other secondary injuries to look for would be hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, upper arm, and axillary injuries from prolonged crutch usage. There may be minor secondary injuries to the opposite leg and lower back from the abnormal force distributions (altered weight bearing) if the athlete is not on crutches. Psychological issues should be addressed such as pain, lack of motivation, depression and more. Designing the rehab program with these varibles in mind will help decrease secondary issues and rehabilitate the athlete as fast and safely as possible. (Click here to become a member and gain full access to the over 400 manuscript text pages of resource information in this website and many other wonderful benefits)

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